Starting from today, All my work and projects will be handed over to my friend; As in she will finish projects that I haven't or even just revamp my sprites. This is mostly happened due to personal stuff happening at home and the fuck ton of work from school. We'll basically be having a joint account, however she will be running it a lot more. This account is not going to be completely dead. Just to be clear, I'll post some artwork or some test every once in a while. The new account will most likely be run like this one, but since its hers. She could do whatever she wants. Just for warning, her art style and sprites will look significantly different from mine, I'm sorry if you dislike mine or hers style, but you just have to deal with it; Sorry. If ya got any questions, you can PM me or just put in the comments.
if ur "freind" remakes ur spitres im gonna flip, not in a good way